You may see the title of our silly literary magazine and ask yourself, “What the [insert f-bomb] is that?” We’ll appease your burning curiosity. It’s from a novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude, by the excellent Gabriel García Márquez. Now you have secret knowledge. Use it wisely. Or don’t. Whatevs. It’s your life.
At Cease, Cows we want to explore the contemporary, the strange, the big questions. We want to feel cultural pulses, expose mental arteries, bathe in both the sanguine and sanguinary. We want to publish prose with fire and truth. Humans may be animals, but the power of words can allow us to revel in or transcend the physical. The best literature achieves both. Or something profound like that.
Stuff We Love:
- Fairy tales
- Ghost stories
- David Sedaris
- Joan Didion
- Elizabeth Wurtzel
- Stephen King
- Peter Mayle
- David Lynch
- Aimee Bender
- Kurt Vonnegut
Can we expect a print edition someday?
If the cows can figure out that devilry, absolutely. They’re a bit slow.
Are you open to poetry submissions right now?
We no longer publish poetry. *sad face*
How the heck have I never found you guys before???
The world is a mysterious place, Trent. Plus, with almost 7.5 billion people and 1.5 billion cows, some things will certainly just be missed. But we’re glad you found us.
1.5 billion cows? Is that really right? Look, I know a lot about cows. I did a three-year study on Alberta cows once, and it turns out that they are proud, delicious animals. That said, I’m glad I found you too. I might even submit something your way… now to rummage around for that study…
This is what the googles tell us. The googles see all. Except, you may know more about delectable Alberta cows. The googles, after all, have no mouths.
Wow, I love this. How can I send my work?
Thanks! We’re currently closed to submissions, but will reopen in September.
Intriguing! Prose poetry sounds paragraphical, I’ll have to check out the submission guidelines. Thanks!
Oh snap! I didn’t realize there would be secret knowledge! I’m not sure I’m ready for that kind of power…
Most aren’t!
You know that saying about life being stranger than fiction, well its a shame you just want fiction. Just discovered your site. What you’re doing is awesome. Luv-it!
Thank you!
We also accept prose poetry. Check out our Submissions page, if you’re so inclined.
I learned of your site today from the great James Claffey! Beautiful looking, with great content! So excited to submit!
Thank you, Teri!
We’re excited to see something from you.
Hi all,
I just wanted to give you a head’s up to let you know that I will be giving your journal a positive review on my blog tomorrow morning.
All my best,
Thank you so much, Michael! We appreciate that.
You guys are right up my alley! I’ll submit something “soon.” Soon being whenever I finish the five other things I committed to! Ugh.
Sounds great! And hey, I know about being busy. No rush, we’re always taking submissions.