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[hey!] bales

(May 2024)

Lovely CC Readers:

Welcome to the May installment of [hey!] bales, where we round up the month’s posts and link to them all in one convenient spot. If you’d like to be notified whenever we post, just mosey over here, scroll down, and enter your email to subscribe!

And now, without further ado, here are our latest offerings:

Some of them called him cutie. Some of them called him handsome man. Some of them called him son as his father did, which never felt right. Some of them smelled of cheap orange perfume. Some of them smelled of beer. Some of them smelled of stale cigarette smoke. Some of them smelled of death itself.

My mother takes the hand of the nurse aide / the one who started last week / the one who is standing next to me / the one my mother looks in the eyes and asks / remember those cookies? / the ones I made for all your class parties / the ones with the blue and white sprinkles

The surreal is mixed with the extraordinarily realistic in Shannon Robinson’s The Ill-Fitting Skin, a new collection of stories about women “who work and grieve and create and destroy.” The winner of the Press 53 award for Short Fiction, it’s a challenging book certain to surprise, shock, and entertain. Purchase your copy here. 

That’s all for now, but stay tuned for June!

~ CC Staff

Lead image: “brown hays on green grass field under blue sky during daytime” (Photo by David Thielen on Unsplash)