After a long and impressive battle with stigmata, my former lover Mr. Daly was assumed into heaven one windy day in October. I watched him rise slowly to the sky, like Mary Martin in Peter Pan, a beatific expression on his face.
Because of the unprecedented circumstances and lack of a buriable corpse, Fr. Doyle ultimately decided against holding a formal funeral. Instead, he urged parishioners to contemplate the miraculous events quietly in their own hearts.
Since there was no grave, I erected a small shrine outside the diner where he had first realized his palms were bleeding. Nothing flashy—some flowers, a poem, and a plastic Virgin Mary his grandmother had given him as a child and which he had subsequently given to me.
Unfortunately, the property owner—a terse, no-nonsense Lutheran—removed it the following day. With all record of him gone, it was almost as if Mr. Daly had never existed.
Tara Roeder teaches writing in New York City. Her work has appeared in such venues as Monkeybicycle and The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts.
Lead image: “everything” (via Flickr user David DeHetre)
[…] Some dynamite flash fiction at Hobart from Juliana Gray: They Also Use Tools, and Are Capable of Making Plans. And at Change Seven from Bud Smith: Don Corleone. I also fell hard for this gem by Tara Roeder at Cease, Cows: My Former Lover Mr. Daly. […]