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The Cows Like Daniel Romo So Much They Decided to Have Him Stay a Spell

Howdy, Farmfolk!

Boy, those cows sure can be persuasive when they’ve fixed their big, word-lovin’ hearts on some special thing, and they have fixed like a hitched horse on Farmhand Romo!

The whole herd gathered in the barn for a bit of ceremony, and we properly handed the ol’ word lasso to Mr. Daniel Romo. Now it’s time to start sending in your very best proems, ’cause  his stint as Cease, Cows very first Guest Poetry Editor is in full swing!

We felt that Daniel was a bit humble in introducin’ himself the other day, so allow his fellow farmhands to tell you that he is one heck of a fine poet, with more publication credits to his name than can fit under a big, western sunset.

His work has appeared in The Los Angeles Review, Gargoyle, MiPOesias, and Hobart, to name just a few, and his full length books When Kerosene’s Involved (Black Coffee Press), and Romancing Gravity (Silver Birch Press) were both released this very year!

And of course all you lucky farmfolk read the Cow-Tastic Proem that graced our very own pasture earlier this month.

We’re just hog-wild with anticipation to see what Farmhand Daniel will wrangle into the Poetry Corral, so help us get this cattle drive started!

Lead image: “Cows Eat Cars” (via Flickr user Alan Levine)