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This Week’s Farm Update

Hello, CC lovers!

Our farmhands have been working hard this past week, tilling the pile of submissions. Tomorrow begins our on-week, and what a week it is!

We have flash by Bud Smith, Matthew Dexter, Jonathan Pinnock, Joscelyn Willett, Katie Cortese, our own Justis Mills, and more. And we have prose poems by James Grinwis, Mark Seidl, Emily Smith-Miller, Daniel Romo, and more.

Also, we have exciting announcements this week, but you’ll have to wait until the farmhands have some beers. They always start talkin’ after a few Coors. 🙂

Onward, ho!
Cease, Cows Staff

Lead image: “red barn black cows” (via Flickr user Bruce Fingerhood)